3132 W. North Ave. Chicago, IL 60647
Dermatology Procedures
Image of woman running for Juvederm and Botox treatments
General Dermatology Procedures

Dr. Salcedo offers skin cancer screenings in addition to removal of moles, lipomas, cysts, and skin tags. Dr. Salcedo also provides treatments of eczema, psoriasis, warts and other diseases of the skin, nails and hair.


Dr. Salcedo performs this treatment in his office. This technique consists on the destruction of skin lesions by using cold application of liquid nitrogen using open or closed spray techniques.

Cryosurgery is often used to remove skin tissues like: warts, actinic keratoses, precancerous conditions, cryoprobes (xanthelasma, sebaceous hyperplasia – oily glands) or keloids (intralesional cryosurgery).

Biologic Therapy

Use of special medications called “biologics” that work as immune modulators for the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis. These medications are usually in the form of injections given on the weekly, be-weekly or three-monthly intervals which could provide significant relief in properly chosen patients. The risk-benefit ratio has to be addressed individually with each patient due to potentially severe adverse effects.


We use electricity to cause thermal destruction of tissue through dehydration, coagulation, or vaporization for the destruction of skin lesions like hemangiomas, xanthelasmas, warts, or facial capillaries and skin tags.

We employ effective, individualized treatment plans for all of our patients. If you present any of these symptoms or have any concerns – count on Dr. Salcedo to take care of you! Contact us today. 

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