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Varicose Veins: How Do I Prevent Them?
By Salcedo Medical Center and Vein Institute | Posted on January 18, 2024

Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins. While varicose veins can form anywhere on the body, they mostly appear on the legs. That’s because standing and walking upright increases the pressure in the veins of your lower body. For most people, varicose veins are simply a cosmetic concern and don’t actually affect their health. However, they can cause aching pain and discomfort, and even lead to more serious problems.

How To Prevent Varicose Veins

Unfortunately, there’s no sure way to completely prevent varicose veins. However, there are ways to improve your circulation and muscle tone to reduce your risk of developing varicose veins. Read on for more tips on how to deal with them and some options for treatment.

I Have Varicose Veins Though, Now What?

If you’re already dealing with varicose veins, there are ways to lessen the symptoms. These following measures can be taken to treat the discomfort caused by previous varicose veins.


Making sure to get up and move around will help blood circulate in your legs, so be sure if you sit all day for your work to get up and move every once in a while.

Watching your weight

Excess weight puts pressure on your legs, and in turn, pressure on your veins. To help alleviate the pressure on your veins and reduce the likelihood of varicose veins developing,

Eating a high-fiber diet

Chronic constipation is a contributing factor in the development of varicose veins. Eating fiber-rich foods can help reduce constipation, which in turn helps prevent varicose veins. Foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains are great choices.

Laser Vein Treatments

Vein treatments use advanced laser technology to target and destroy the blood vessels responsible for veins, causing them to visibly disappear. Since the laser targets the blood vessels within the vein, there is minimal or no damage to the outer layer of the skin. Salcedo Medical Center offers premier laser treatments utilizing the state-of-the-art Cynosure laser.

Avoiding high heels and tight hosiery

Tight shoes and hosiery can have a negative effect on your veins. Instead, opt for shoes with enough room for your feet to breath, and for compression stockings. These socks have graduating degrees of pressure to help shunt blood back up to the heart appropriately.

Elevating your legs

When your blood goes down to your legs, getting back up to the heart is made a challenge because of gravity. Elevating your legs can help the blood circulate back to your heart.

Are You Searching for Treatment Options? Salcedo Can Help!

Salcedo Medical Center and Vein Institute specializes in vascular care. Our professional team of doctors can provide you with lifestyle counseling and vein treatments combined to formulate a comprehensive plan to lead our patients to greater health. Contact one of our specialists today to see what your treatment options are.

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